How to Update Meetings

Updating meeting information ensures that an addict searching for a meeting goes to the correct place at the correct time.

Below is the link where an Area Service designated person logs in to maintain their meetings. Updating is quick and easy and and shows up on our meeting search within 1 hour.

There are a few fairly simple steps:

  • Sign in using the login & password you were given.
  • Search for the meetings.
  • Create a new meeting or click on meeting name.
  • Type in the appropriate information to update the meeting or to create a new meeting.
  • Click Save This As A New Meeting or Save the Changes to This Meeting.
  • Make sure the PUBLISH this meeting box is checked if you want the meeting to be seen.
  • Done!

A document with screen shots of the process —>

Please email for your login id and password or if you need a new password.

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